Monday, 5 December 2011

5th December:- 28 hours in BKK Airport

I had not been looking forward to this..... There was a time where I would deliberately make sure my flights were at sensible times. Now budget management meant I couldn't be so choosy. I think this was going to be a world record for me. I arrived at Bangkok at 2:00am on the 4th and would leave at 6:15 on the 5th. I would see two nights in an airport terminal. Plus, i wouldn't be able to go airside till probably 3:00 .
The irony was that i could have changed the flight except the air asia desk didn't open till 6:00 which would mean making the flight pretty impossible. The seats in the airport check in lounge at BKK are particularly uncomfortable too, to top it all it was bloody freezing. Im all in favour of air conditioning but in the airport it was positively arctic, so much so that every couple of hours i had to go outside to get warm. Since I was last at the airport they have done some changing around and now the smoking area is i the middle of the carriageway so each time I wanted a cigarette I needed to try to avoid the speeding taxis who didn't seem to understand the meaning of pedestrian crossing.

One good thing about the airport, unlike airside and many other airports is the fact that you can get pot noodles for the equivalent of 10p. I did have quite a few to try and keep warm too.

It must have been the slowest 28 hours ever but it was eventually over and I checked in for the flight and made my way airside. I had a rather nasty pizza and chicken wings and boarded the flight on time. Next stop Bali. As we took off and headed over Thailand it became quite evident that the recent flooding had caused tremendous damage around the outskirts of Bangkok. It was still waterlogged. Let's hope they get things back to normal as soon as possible.

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