The good thing is that there are so many restaurants and pubs that there is stiff competition for both drinks and food.! Which makes to both good value and plenty of choice, from classic Khymer cuisine to the western favourites of Hamburger and chips. You can't walk more than a couple of paces without being hassled with TukTuks, food, drink, massage and girls. I was even offered Opium and Cocaine!
It's not a place I would chose to spend any length of time, but it's good for a night out.
Beyond Pub Alley are the more authentic street food stalls selling a good slap up meal for a couple of dollars.
As the night wore on, the working girls appeared. All shapes and sizes.
It was pissing down but they were parading up and down the street under their brollies, plying for trade.
The nice thing here is that if you say no with a smile, you get a smile back. I can understand people getting pissed off with the constant hassle, but some folk are downright rude. It must be very disheartening for them trying to make a dollar. Whatever they are selling .
Second thoughts, I'm gonna stop the smiling, it seems to be a prostitute magnet! One working lady has just presented me with one if the fish from the 'fish massage' opposite. What the fuck am supposed to do with that!
I had a very pleasant evening. Being propositioned by so many beautiful women ( and some not so beautiful ) proves, at nearly 51, I still have 'it'.
The fact that they all wanted money is, of course, quite irrelevant .
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Street 8,Siem Reap,Cambodia
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