The Nepal Children's Home it's nearly finished, earlier i sent a copy to Bhupi and he is delighted with it. We are meeting tomorrow afternoon to put the finishing touches and then it should be good to go. I'm very pleased. Aa part of the 'research' process I read lots of papers on the web. Fascinating but incredibly disturbing. There is much to do to even make a tiny improvement. The total cost of the project is a modest half million dollars, christ, that's £310k. Less that my house is worth, yet it would make such a difference to numerous street kids and give them a chance in life. It does make you think about things.
I'm not sure how many hours I put into the work but over the last few days, it has been considerable. It was not unlike writing a sales plan. Thanks BT!
Anyway, with the back of it broken, it being a Saturday night I'm going to chill and have a fee beers. I did have a trip out for breakfast this morning. I'm losing weight like a good one! I would be the first to admit, my diet hasn't been brilliant over the last few months. The food in Thailand was pretty much rice and noodles with the off salad (and a KFC) thrown in. You really need to make an effort, both here and in Thailand to make sure you get your 'five a day'. Fresh veg and fruit are there but the staple duet is carbohydrate rich. I have now started to have at least a couple of fresh fruit juices a day and it's doing the trick. I did that this morning (after a full American- I was hungry!) Its not that I didn't need to lose a few KG but anyway,it's gone now.
On the way back from breakfast I called in one of the many 'trekking' shops and managed to purloin a pair of 'North Face' lightweight trousers, that convert into shorts for about £6. I wonder if they're the real McCoy. Probably not egh!
Surprisingly there are a disproportionate number of French people here, I've not seen as many since Laos. And there, there was an explanation, ex-colony and that. I shall make it my mission to find out....
There is no shortage of Bars here, pricey by comparison to other parts of Asia, and very pricy if compared to other third world countries, that said, I am in the tourist Mecca of Kathmandu. Take out beer is roughly half the price of bars.
Tonight my first beer is in New Orleans, a typical Nepali bar ( ha ha - only kidding) but excellent 'lounge music.

I'm desperate to chat with someone who doesn't want to sell me drugs or a trekking trip, we'll see. ....
Moved on to the Maya bar... 2 for the price of one cocktails. Now this could get messy !.....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:New Orleans - Thamel - Kathmandu.
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