Friday, 8 April 2011

A perfect day

My guide was meeting me at 8.00 am. Today I had all morning to visit the temples a little further afield and see what the local village life was like. After lunch I got a 'relax' and then at five we were going down onto the river to see sunset from a boat on the Ayewaddy or Irawaddy as it used to be known.

I have to say, after almost 8 months in South East Asia this was a perfect day. Imagine, laid in the back of a horse drawn cart, the early morning, not too hot but, like the queen of fucking sheeba. Trotting gently down sandy lanes. Beautiful flowering bushes, sweet smelling and temples on either side as far as the eye can see. Now that is perfection. It was a perfectly un-rushed morning. After a couple of impressive temple stops I suggested a hydration break. I took a coke, Pho took a 'shark' the Myanmar equivalent of 'red bull' . After this short break I was treated to a tour of the local village. It was fascinating, I got to make peanut oil, driving a bull! I got to make the Myanmar, sunscreen I also got to get dressed in the traditional garb.

My guide, a young girl showed me around the village showing me all the area of interest. At the end she got me dressed up in the Myanmar clothes which they just happened to have. Ha ha , obviously this was the Myanmar equivalent of the Thai tailors or Indian carpet shop, but at least this had some intrinsic interest with a visit around the village first. The girl was also pretty forthright in asking for a 'present'. Is the equivalent of a tip or, in governmental circles, a bribe. I obliged...

I took my guide for lunch, one again he picked the most expensive thing on the menu. And a beer too. I tried the local brew which I have to say, was quite nice..

In the afternoon I relaxed, or to be more precise, slept. My guide was due back at 5:00pm for my boat tour down the river to see Bagan from the Irrawaddy river and watch the sun set over the stupa and temples

I did get a special deal on the boat ride as it was the guides friend. It was quite a pleasant evening, balmy with a beautiful sunset. The perfect end to a perfect day. As we were about to leave my guide sat me in front of a shop and disappeared on a motorbike. He was gone about 30 minutes. I did wondered what the hell was happening, but I had his horse and cart, so he had to come back at some time. When he did finally arrive back he gave me a gift. I had only bought one of the sand paintings the day before although I had my eye in two till the vendor bumped up the price. The second one which I had taken a liking to was presented to me by the guide as a gift. So kind of him. Can't help feeling that I must have been ripped off by the vendor at the temple though!

Before I turned in for the night we went for a beer in a 'local' place. The beer was quite a lot cheaper and also the food was good. We had roast potatoes and garlic and the guide had brought along some roasted chicken. It was delicious. On the first day I had been approached by a girl from Oregon to ask about the guide and as I was Uzi gong mine for only the morning recommended him to her. Funnily enough she turned up and had a couple of beers with us at the bar. I'm really not sure where she had tipped up from. Anyway, I was in my bed for 11:00 knackered. I had a long trip back to Yangon the following day.

I had paid the guide with a decent tip. He gave me a hug and said he'd remember me forever. We had discussed my potential return to Myanmar sometime later in the year. It is a possibility, there is lots more to see and I'm pretty sure the guide would oblige.

It was a great few days, excellent value for money......

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bagan, Myanmar

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