Monday, 22 November 2010

Island Hopping in El Nido

After an early night today I was up bright and early. We are going on an Island hopping tour.
The early morning weather was cloudy but that soon burnt off and as we boarded our boat the sun was shining.
Kipp, Liz, Sabi, Andrew, Jonno and I were looking forward to a day of beaches and snorkling.
We had negotiated a good deal to include fins, mask ,snorkel and lunch. The first island was beautiful. A very pretty lagoon. The small fish were very territorial and aggressive. They came up to the front of the mask and stared. Cheeky little bastards!
There were several other stops with lunch in-between. It pissed it down later in the afternoon but it was still a great day and well worth the price.

Lunch was fresh fish, chicken and salad with rice. After a morning of activity it went down a treat. Thankfully we had not brought beer with us. It could have got messy.

The islands around El Nido are very pretty. It is rather like Halong Bay but without the tourists. This part of the island of Palawn does take some getting too and I guess this is why it is one of the last bastions of backpackers in the Philippines. I suspect that will not last too long and it will be another Boracay in a few years time. I'm pleased we had taken the trouble and effort to get here. It was well with it.

There are quite a lot of western tourists in the town. Almost all of them are backpackers. It is a loverly place although the people in the main are not quite as friendly as the rest of the places in the Philippines.
That said, I do like it. I like it a lot.

The girls will be leaving on 25th to fly back to Manila and then on to Amsterdam. We are staying till Sunday (Kipp, Andrew, Jonno and myself).
Kipp and I want to get to Cebu and then on to Bahol. Not sure how yet although the first stage of the trip has been worked out. El Nido to Bahol. On a cargo boat which leaves on Sunday. What the fuck is happening to me????

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Calle Real,El Nido,Philippines

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