Saturday, 3 July 2010

The Muffin Man Cometh

Yesterday was the my first baking gig !
As John quite famously said to Mrs Craddock 'May all your doughnuts turn out like fannies'. I wasn't quite looking for that, but I was going to give my first trip out my best shot.
I had already made some muffins for my friend Sue's village art festival, but that was a donation of a dozen blueberry and white chocolate and a dozen double choc chip. In reality only a third of them made it to the festival as Sue thought they looked so nice she would purloin a fair few.
Granted, my first commercial outing was to start quite small, a school fete! but I was hoping to make it a profitable day.
I guess its always difficult to access demand and this is not the type of venture where you spend ages doing market research. Consequently,  I was a little anxious that I didn't take too make too many buns and get left with a load of stock. While I am partial to a muffin every now and then, one is quite sufficient.
I had decided that I would keep it simple and just make Muffins and Scones.
The 'gig' was at my sisters school. The annual summer fare rents out tables to budding entrepreneurs for just £10.00 and you get to keep all the money.
It was only for three hours on the Friday afternoon and to be quite honest, I was a little excited.
The menu 'if thats what you call it' was thus:-

  • Blueberry and White Chocolate Muffins
  • Banana and White Choc-Chip Muffins
  • Lemon Muffins
  • Double Choc-Chip Muffins
  • Chocolate and Mashmallow Muffins
  • Apple and Cinnamon Muffins
  • Fruit Scones
I decided on a dozen of each and 40 Fruit scones, so on the Thursday evening set about the task of producing this plethora of delights.

It was very easy, bish bash bosh and done. The kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it, but the produce looked superb. I was tempted to test out the fruits of my labours but to be honest they looked fine so they were straight from the oven, cooled on a wire rack, dressed and boxed in the bargain plastic containers that I had bought for transporting from Wilkinsons  (They have some pretty good bargains !!)
As I'm still without a car (I'll stop saying this when I get one ... honest !)  my sisters partner had kindly offered to transport the goodies over to the school in Sheffield and I was going to travel on my bike.
How did it go ?


Within 50 minutes I had sold out of everything. I got loads of complements on the presentation but of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I was helped by a couple of ladies who sat by the side of my stall, munching away at a bluberry and white chocolate and Banana and white chocolate muffin that they said were to die for.

My pockets filled with pound coins, I was well chuffed.

I'm sure I was underpriced and could probably have sold at least double the amount but that's all part of the learnng. I have been asked to do the same at the Christmas fayre in December. Looking foward to that already.  In the meantime I think I will have a little look around and see if there are any other opportunities. I have all the 'consumables' now in terms of tray's, containers, bags etc. The job was a gud un.

I didn't get any photo's as my sister clearly has no idea how to use an iPhone camera but that's OK.

1 comment:

  1. Get a website set up - i want to order some!! Ooh, have a muffin party (sounds slihtly wrong) and get pretty boxes so you can sell in 4's or pretty individual boxes.....I'm excited. And Atrvin' :)
